Dr. Derek Kelly, an orthopedic surgeon at Le Bonheur Children’s Hospital and Campbell Clinic, poses for a portrait in an operating room at the hospital in Memphis, Tenn., on Wednesday, November 29, 2023. So far this year, Le Bonheur has treated a record 165 gunshot victims – and these numbers don’t include the youth who are treated elsewhere or pronounced dead on the scene.
Morgan English, an 18-year-old senior soccer player at University School of Jackson, poses for a portrait on the USJ soccer fields on Monday, November 21, 2022, in Jackson, Tenn.
State Rep. Justin Pearson listen to a question from the media after speaking to the Memphis Rotary Club at The Bluff in Memphis, Tenn., on Tuesday, June 6, 2023.

Dave Hall, known as “Super Dave,” sits on his horse Lucy Blue while waving an American flag on Saturday September 26, 2020 before the start of The Friendliest Train Robbery East of the Mississippi event. Hall has been riding horses for 30 years and taking part in the robbery for 10. “The deal is if it’s got wheels on it I can drive it, if it’s got hair on it I can ride it,” he said.
Marvin Sanderlin, a multi-generational Black farmer, poses for a portrait next to a site where he moves lumber in Stanton, Tenn., on Thursday, December 7, 2023.
Executive Chef Scott Donnelly poses for a portrait in the dining area of Complicated Pilgrim in Memphis, Tenn., on March 21, 2023.

Ricardo Higgs stands in the garage of his home in McLean's Town, Grand Bahama on September 16, 2019. Most houses in the community were severely damaged by Hurricane Dorian and many locals are displaced to Freeport and other parts of the island. Higgs said his wife lost eight family members who were together in one home. "I had a good loss," he said. "You can't mourn right now... If you sit down and think about it you'll go crazy," he said
Sophie Christopher, a student and golfer at Houston High School, poses for a portrait at Memphis National Golf Club in Collierville, Tenn., on Wednesday, October 25, 2023.
Memphis Academy of Science and Engineering’s Kumaro Brown poses for a portrait on their practice field in Memphis, Tenn., on Wednesday, August 9, 2023.

Don Cooper sits on the bridge of the Dixie as American flags and attendees sitting on the shore are reflected around him during the Sternwheel Festival in Marietta, Ohio, on Saturday, September 11, 2021.

Peggy Higgs sits on the front porch of her home in McLean's Town, Grand Bahama on September 16, 2019. She said she lost eight family members who were together in their home when it was destroyed by Hurricane Dorian. Higgs is living in Freeport and returns each day to try and clean her home. "I lost a few of my family but for the most part we are fine," she said.
Jordan Ware, an 18-year-old senior at Central High School, poses for a portrait in the starting position on the track at Crump Stadium in Memphis, Tenn., on Tuesday, May 16, 2023.
Southwind’s Kavion Benton poses for a portrait at Collierville High School in Collierville, Tenn., on Tuesday, July 18, 2023.
First Assembly Christian School’s Brian Shields (1) poses for a portrait during practice in Memphis, Tenn., on Wednesday, October 18, 2023.